Scribed by Jean

Spring 1085 AD

The year began with more pressure on our resources. We were forced to send five grogs and pay twenty pennies as our contribution to the King's Levy. Most of the rest of the season passed peacefully, with the Magi continuing their studies, save Idris who chose to work in the garden. Baldwin, the Reeve of Dean, sent us a letter, and I resolved to meet him in the summer. We shall see what it is that he requires of me, as I have heard from Sylvester that there is some muttering about me among the townsfolk of Gloucester.

Idris and Ruaridh set off to try to harvest the Mentem vis again. This time the opposition from the Barrow Shade was stronger, and Ruaridh was severely injured. Cadog apparently saved his life, and Ruaridh now wishes to hold a feast in his honour.


The season began with Council, as always, but Ruaridh was unable to attend because of his injuries. Idris, who has decided to spend the season investigating local legends, journeyed to the Infernal Regio once more. My visit with the Reeve proved useful as I discovered from him that Sylvester and the Reeve's own Saxon assistant are engaged in some sort of plot against us. I also found out that Idris had deliberately misled us about his background when he joined the covenant, and I therefore challenged him to Certamen. I won with little concern.

Later in the season, we heard the ringing of bells, and discovered that Sir Bernard had built a church in Lydney. We took this matter very seriously as the sound of the bells might threaten the magical aura, and sent Ruaridh off to deal with it. He failed in this task, and, on his return, engaged in a fierce argument with Petrus. The Council asked Ruaridh to make a second attempt to destroy the bell, but he refused to do so. He was therefore censured and punished with an extra season's service. In the turmoil of the following days he transformed himself into a tree, but did not remain in that form for long. It seems that our former unity is disintegrating.


The season began with a further argument between Council and Ruaridh, who then set off to travel to Scarfell to discuss possible future trades of magical resources. He returned only as winter drew near. With his absence - and that of his spells to detect truth from falsehood - the meeting with Sylvester to establish whether the Reeve's accusations were true did not go as well as planned. However, he was sufficiently intimidated that I feel he will desist in his attempts to cross us.

A child that had disappeared from Lydney several days earlier was found in the forest, crucified upside down with its heart torn out. We burned the body and decided not to inform the villagers. Finally, the grogs returned from the southern coast, the expected invasion having not occurred this year.

Scribed by Ruaridh


Posterity will have to excuse me if this record seems rushed or incomplete, for my memory is far from perfect and other tasks demand my attention. Indeed, as I look over the records of previous seasons scribed by my sodales, I cannot help but smile at their interpretations of events in which I or others played a part. History is indeed an art, and the author has much room to shape the way in which those that follow regard his actions. While this task is mine, I will endeavour to report as neutrally and faithfully as my eminent predecessors, and I hope that this text will be seen as an accurate account of the continuing development of the covenant that is so dear to my heart.

The winter council was a stormy affair as the Magi debated the best way to tackle the problem of the church bell in Lydney. I must admit I was rather surprised when Jean called for the council to revoke the extra season's service demanded of me when I refused to take on the task of destroying the bell. He declared that it was unfair for one Magus to be singled out in this manner, especially since the task was potentially hazardous and I had already performed my season's service for the year. Council duly removed the penalty, an act which undoubtedly saved much future ill feeling and, perhaps more importantly, the interference of outsiders.

Jean spent Midwinter in Lydney in an effort to avoid the attentions of the dark fae who have taken such a vehement dislike to him. Sadly, his experiences in the village were scarcely better than those he could have expected if he had remained in the covenant. Foul shades, evidently the restless ghosts of those slain by Radulfus several years ago, harassed him, and he was forced to seek shelter in the church. They seemed to blame him for being of the same kind, that is to say a Magus of the Order, as their murderer. This event further increases my resolve to destroy the demon as soon as I have the arts to do so.