Hypatia, filia Olafsson, of Ex-Miscellanea (also known as Eleanor and Emma)

A slight figure with ash-blond, shoulder-length hair, sharp nose and grey eyes, Hypatia tries to carefully balance the role of the King’s sister in court and a maga of the Order. She is a skilled politician in mundane circles and has a knack for guessing the motives and hidden emotions of others, which she sometimes deliberately uses to manipulate them in discussion. However, this slight Machiavellian edge to her personality is countered by a deep sense of kindness and an inherent light-heartedness – though the latter can sometimes make her appear whimsical or frivolous during the darkest or most desperate of times.

In council, she prefers well-tailored but unostentatious gowns - in contrast to the pomp and ceremony of court. However, in recent years she has also been seen wearing a cuirass of bronze scales under her travelling clothes, especially when abroad riding her black courser, Carn Aflawg. Together with the pale blade she carries at her belt and the crown of Math, her mystical role as ‘Queen of the Land’ becomes more apparent.

Known in mundane circles as Eleanor, she is the sister of King Theo of England and daughter of Urbanus of Ex-Miscellanea – and thus can trace her Severn Temple roots back to Magus Theo and Maga Dialectica. Her pater was the magus Lysimachus, who fell in the assault against Tomer, though there is a whispered rumour that she was also tutored in dreams by the shade of Myrddyn. Hypatia is a controversial figure, having been accused several times of interfering in mundane affairs, though has managed to maintain good-standing in the Tribunal of Stonehenge – so far.

Views of the other magi at 1310 AD:

To me, Jari seems like a ship without a rudder, being pulled along by the tide of events without a heading. He has grown in power, in both arts and his capacity to manipulate politics within the Tribunal, but I sense no direction to his magical research or possession of a political vision. Rather than marshalling his talents in favour of something, he appears to define himself in opposition; but what he opposes is not always clear – beyond some indistinct notion of hierarchy. He baulks at what he perceives as loss of liberty, though quite how he would replace the Order’s structures is never clear. There is a risk here for Jari I think; without a clear conception of the future he would like to support, there is a danger that he will find himself manipulated or outmanoeuvred by those with more clarity of purpose.

Quick-witted and sometimes genuinely light-hearted, he remains the only member of the council who appears to have a sense of humour. Since binding his familiar and loss of his companions, I’ve not noticed any radical change in his personality. Indeed, I might have expected the tumultuous events of recent years to have changed him more. His attitudes towards his sodales have also not changed much – beyond a deepening dislike of Pyrrhus and an emerging disdain for Naevius. Whilst he might appear to have least in common with Terrentius, the two men have clearly formed a bond from working together in the field. There’s no doubt that he can be both capable and courageous in these efforts towards the Covenant’s goals, yet part of me wonders whether this is Jari merely enjoying a challenge, and it is Terentius genuinely providing direction.

Pyrrhus profoundly lacks confidence in himself. In another this might be expressed as a virtuous humility, yet he covers his fragile conviction with aggression and bluster. In council, he will muse idly on topics where he has no knowledge then get upset when others correct him or seek to guide discussion back to a purpose. His lack of assertiveness is apparent in the lengthy caveats and apologies which precede these whimsical chains of thought. He has no goals, it appears, beyond his tinkering with alchemy; no ambition to become something other than a ‘lab rat’ who can occasionally threaten people with a fireball.

For all his doom-mongering when Durenmar fell – I won’t forget that he declared the Order to be ‘dead’ whilst we were still fighting desperately for its survival – we now have a real opportunity to help shape the Tribunal and, by extension, the Order of Hermes. Yet I can confidently predict that Pyrrhus will play no part in shaping that future. It is not that he lacks ideas, but he has no courage in his convictions – it is not that he’s incapable, but that he’s too selfish and busy complaining about his lot to meaningfully contribute. He is often petulant and childish, and by far the worst choice to lead the covenant.

There are two versions of Terentius. In the field, Terentius is committed and determined, willing to take on considerable risk to achieve the Covenant’s goals. He’s by far the most clever and capable of us when it comes to tackling challenges beyond our walls. That isn’t to say he never makes mistakes – we all do; but whether it is facing a threat or pursuing an investigation, I’d readily trust his judgement. In council, Terentius is impatient and often irascible, unwilling to engage in wider discussions and hastening proceedings to a decision for action. These two versions are not incompatible – indeed one of these aspects of his character arises from the other. Terentius is a ‘man of action’, only happy when he is engaged in a goal or challenge where he can improvise a plan and execute it immediately.

If this assessment sounds harsh, let me temper it – he reminds me in many ways of my late brother, Theo. Like Terentius, he was also not given to lengthy discussions or elaborate planning – and also possessed a slightly reckless instinct which occasionally forced him to rely on his considerable talents to extricate himself. Beyond fearing that Terentius might meet a similar fate, I also worry that his impatience for action – well suited to a time of crisis – may become an impediment in a time of rebuilding. There are many, deeper questions we must answer if we are to shape what this Tribunal, what the Order of Hermes, will become, and that will require a tolerance for debate that Terentius has not demonstrated up to now.

Naevius is a useful reminder of why the Order of Hermes was so nearly destroyed. Blinkered by his experience in the Rome Tribunal, Naevius cannot really imagine another version of the Order – indeed, he cannot really perceive what was wrong with the Order at all. His unthinking and unexamined set of attitudes and beliefs represents many of the continental magi. The near destruction of the Order and the terrible events he experienced haven’t really shaken that view, I believe. I don’t think he came here because he was genuinely inspired by a potentially new vision for the Order – but because he thought it was the most stable environment for him to continue in the old.

Others may find him insufferable, but at council I don’t find him too difficult. He genuinely appears to believe in courtesy which means his views – which appear to be based on a complete absence of conscience – can at least be properly contested in debate. He will become a particularly useful resource to the covenant in time, but he is predictable and appears to have no ideas of his own. He is a hollow soul, with no interests beyond his laboratory work. He is a lacklustre spirit, who history will quickly forget. Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that Pyrrhus, undoubtedly capable of so much more, appears to aspire to become ever more like him.

I have not yet formed a strong impression of Branwen. Like many of her tradition, she is polite and unassuming, yet clearly possesses a bright intelligence and a capacity for the arts which might surprise others. The Wiccans, thus far, have never taken a lead in the politics of the Order – relying instead on each other, beyond the eyes of the Order, to quietly bring about their goals. Part of this is undoubtedly due to their relative isolation from the Order. Indeed, Branwen appears sometimes shockingly ignorant of the code or conventions which govern Hermetic politics. Such things have never been the priority of the sect of witches with whom I’ve had some – albeit limited – dealings. Instead, they subtly master the old magics and the newer, Hermetic form, and apply them in a very personal way – neither serving but also not denying the old gods.

Branwen joins us at an important juncture in the history of the Order – where many of the conventions and aspects of the code are open to reinvention and renewal. Her relative ignorance of the history of the Order may prove to be a useful foil for those, like Naevius, so immersed in the past they cannot imagine otherwise. However, whether she chooses to help shape the Order is doubtful. I think it much more likely she will, like so many of her sisters, quietly grow in knowledge and power, and work subtly towards her personal goals without much care for ‘grand things’ like Hermetic politics.

Views of the other magi at 1297 AD:


Jari may occasionally express something of the callousness of winter, most often apparent in the form of cutting humour, but it’s hard not to like him. He rarely takes himself too seriously and has a quick wit to go with his sharp mind. He’s the only member of the council with whom I can reliably share a joke! He’s found his feet a bit more in his interactions with the fae – as much as one can, I dare say – though I haven’t especially sensed a direction to his research in magic beyond the pragmatic spells required for supporting the council in exploring Mynydd Myddyn or retrieving the scabbard of St Kennedd. I suspect it cannot be too long before he looks to bind a familiar, and it will be interesting to see what animal he selects (or selects him) and how this will alter his demeanour and focus.

I wasn’t sure how Jari would respond to the events in Durenmar and – let us not forget – Irencillia. In the past, he hasn’t spoken warmly of the code or the structures of the Order and I wondered whether part of him might relish the opportunities that the fall of the bureaucratic constraints of the Order might avail. However, his initial response to the situation has been circumspect and I wonder whether his usually - somewhat anarchistic - tendency has been tempered by the uncertainties created by recent events. His reaction to Theo also seemed more guarded than I had expected. Perhaps he fears swapping one power which constricts his actions for another? Though if he believes Theo is trying to gain power over the Order, he has read my brother very poorly.

Since joining the covenant, Pyrrhus has mainly focused on his arts and his alchemy (especially the unlocking the secrets of black powder). Whilst he has journeyed abroad, to Mynydd Myddyn and the faerie regio for example, he’s not quite as adventurous as I first thought he’d be – indeed, much more bookish than I would have guessed for a member of House Flambeau. Perhaps part of this is the influence is his companion Marcellus, though I dare say that in many ways it likely represents a wise preparation for the future. In council, Pyrrhus can sometimes be loud and occasionally a little priggish; however he’s never really overbearing and engages in theoretical discussion more readily than Terentius. Given the likely battles we’ll face in the future, we’re lucky to have Pyrrhus.

Of all my sodales, I think in some ways Pyhrrus has taken the destruction of Durenmar – and the death of his pater – the hardest. I didn’t really know how he would respond to Theo’s overture, but his outburst at council – where he declared the Order to be finished, its laws obsolete, and argued that we needed to found a new Order here in Stonehenge under a different name – completely surprised me. I guess the shock of recent events will affect everyone differently, but he appeared genuinely unstable. Hopefully, with time and – with luck – a relatively calm Tribunal meeting, his more radical notions will become moderated. However, it must be said, I doubt that he is the only member of the Order who reaches such extreme conclusions following these disastrous events.

Terentius has perhaps moved the furthest in the time I’ve known him. My assessment of him as trustworthy and capable has only increased, but his attitudes against allying with powers beyond the Order appear to have softened a little. He’s still cautious, which is wise, but his relationship with the wolves of Lydney is the closest in the council and he has taken significant risks in order to build an alliance with the Old Wolves of Mynydd Myddyn. In council he has become unpredictable since binding his familiar – sometimes amiable and constructive, other times sullen and even surly. When one looks to his actions, though, one can still see strong purpose and resolute conviction. However, as his recent error in Marlborough illustrates, his actions can sometimes be guided by prejudice. He has become a most steadfast hunter since binding his familiar, but this makes it all the more important that he can reliably tell friend from foe.

The loss of Primus Julius means that, in addition to all other uncertainties, we’re yet to see the direction new leadership will take House Tremere. I trusted Julius and I earnestly hope that whoever replaces him does not give up on the commitment of the House to support the ‘Stonehenge experiment’. Terentius’ reaction to meeting with Theo gave me some hope in that regard as, despite his initial caution, his response was the most positive; further evidence, perhaps, that our Tremere’s attitudes are slowly changing.

Volutus remains a slightly reserved and private figure to me. Perhaps part of this is simply his diplomacy; avoiding wearing his heart on his sleeve when it comes to debates. For my part, I think I understand why he often seems removed during the – sometimes heated – discussions at council. However, it does make him seem distant and I wonder whether his natural inclination to guard his feelings makes him appear detached or aloof to others. His leadership of the covenant is excellent in my opinion, and for the most part he skilfully maintains a balance between letting all have their say yet keeping discussions focused. Other than his clear preparation for taking an apprentice, I’ve yet to see what direction his magical practice and theory will take him. I thought I sensed some intense curiosity – or possibly anxiety – when we recently discussed the ‘Shining One’ purportedly residing within Mynydd Myddyn; though beyond this sharp emotion (which he deftly avoided revealing) I have no clue as to the nature of this interest.

Surviving the horror of the destruction of Durenmar will surely leave a mark on Volutus, but so far I have not seen his faith in the Order shaken or his commitment to build connections between magi waver. I remain confident that he will do everything in his power to hold the Tribunal together through the difficult times to come. I was initially a bit disappointed by his response to Theo’s approach – for he initially seemed quite cool on the proposal. However, I wonder whether this is simply the diplomat in him – maintaining the impression of neutrality. His actions spoke louder than his words, for he immediately agreed to bear word of Theo’s approach to the other covenants of the Tribunal to help us judge the politics of a debate.

Personality Traits
Curious +3; Kind +2; Brave +2; Reckless +1; Machiavellian +1; Light-hearted +3 *

*1-point virtue: Even in the darkest of times, Hypathia can find sources of hope and amusement which prevent her becoming dour or gloomy. Though, upon occasion, this can come across to others as not taking problems seriously.

Hypatia's views on the Magi at 1283 AD


I think Gnaeus will make a good Pontifex. In my experience, the greatest leaders do not have overbearing voices or stubborn opinions. Gnaeus listens to arguments at council in a way I should do well to emulate. He is not vacillating though or naïve in politics; he quietly forms a considered opinion so when he speaks, he speaks wisely. Fair-minded and diplomatic, I think he will weather the occasional storms at council.


I don’t know him well, but I like Jari. His sense of humour may occasionally possess an edge and irritate his sodales, but he doesn’t take himself too seriously and that is a refreshing. He’s finding his way within his interactions with the fae – and it would be fair to say he’s got a bit lost more than once. However, I know how difficult it is, and we learn much from our mistakes.


Lysimachus always spoke fondly of Oratio and I think he would be distressed at what a state has befallen his old friend. Oratio has always been caring towards me and I believe he has a kind heart. He’s has become a forlorn and pitiable figure in recent years and even his familiar doesn’t appear to be able to rouse him. I earnestly hope he can find his way out of the darkness that clouds his mind; not least so that he sees more clearly when interacting with the supernatural powers that surround us.


I don’t really have a great sense of Terentius to be honest. He’s certainly trustworthy and capable, but I can’t help but feel that he disapproves of me. It’s clear from his positions in council that he holds supernatural entities of all kinds in great suspicion – concerned that any affiliation or alliance will risk our ruin; though curiously he appears quite relaxed about the werewolves of Lydney. His caution isn’t unwise – especially given some of the things out there. I just hope that this caution doesn’t become hostile suspicion towards me.


I’ve yet to get to know Volutus, but from everything I’ve seen of him so far he appears genuinely concerned for the wider Order and admirably committed to achieving its good. His work on the council charter, I think, has exercised his ability to find common ground between highly disparate views and promises to reinvigorate our structures and conventions. Good training for a Trianoman I think, and practice which will help him tackle some of the frictions within the Order I’ve no doubt he’ll face in the future.
